影响者营销的终结即将到来:到2023年,它将死亡,这是一个前卫在线杂志的标题。I can’t recall which publication it was – I suppose it wasn’t that memorable, after all – but the author of the article made the point that people no longer trust social media influencers, because said influencers have gone too commercial, too ready to endorse products for compensation, and too eager to please brands instead of staying authentic.

Adv Rider上的大量表达了相同的情感 - 来自熊最近的文章关于摩托车新闻业和摩托车审查的棘手导航的一般意见,一般认为,没有任何社交媒体存在的摩托车旅行者不应被信任,因为随着假设的进行,所有内容均已支付或赞助新利体育ios无论如何或其他形式;换句话说,正如乔治·卡林(George Carlin)曾经说过的那样 - 所有的公牛*,伙计们,这对YA不利。



It’s certainly true that some bloggers, writers, YouTubers, or social media influencers may sometimes post content that is paid or sponsored across their platforms – after all, for a lot of people, maintaining an online presence is a business, and if brands are happy to collaborate, all the better. It’s also true that some endorsements or posts may be less genuine, and it’s entirely possible that some people may try to abuse the system for their own advantage. This isn’t unique and happens across the board regardless of what you do for a living, however; but where is that fine line between true, genuine authenticity and obscene exaggeration?

寻找真实性:社交媒体与论坛建议// adv骑手

假设您正在撰写博客文章并在发布之前通过SEO优化程序运行它。The program tells you that in order to please the almighty algorithms of the search engines – and you must please them, or else they won’t rank your content, which will doom even the best-written blogs to linger in the dark corners of the web, never to be seen by the audience it’s meant for – you should, say, add more subheadings, shorten your sentences, and, in fact, change your sentence structure altogether because it’s too complex for Google’s readability score which seems to be aimed at about 7Th年级阅读水平。

因此,您遵守 - 毕竟,这些建议足够良性,您希望您的页面在Google上排名,以便读者可以真正找到您的内容。除了该内容不再是您的内容 - 无论如何,您都不会以您最初的意图。

在表面上仍然足够良性。但是,从长远来看,如果您不断遵守和优化,那么您的内容并不是您想要创建或表达的内容 - 这是关于使Google感到高兴的原因。并且丢失了一层真实性。

另一个例子:你骑和一群萌芽状态dies, and you tackle a particularly gnarly section. At the end of it, everyone’s high-fiving and grinning from ear to ear, and you don’t want to ruin the moment by pulling out your camera. Instead, after the ride is finished, you ask them to do something silly for the photo, say, jump in the air, and capture that; it’s completely staged. But does that make the image fake? The emotion was there, just not in that exact moment and place. So whether that’s faking it or just good ADV photography depends on how you look at it.

寻找真实性:社交媒体与论坛建议// adv骑手

现在,假设您获得了测试的产品。您喜欢它 - 很多 - 您认为您的听众也可能会欣赏它。提供该产品的品牌只要求您使用它,仅此而已。没有合同义务来推广它,也没有以任何重要的方式对其进行审查甚至谈论它的赔偿(是的,有很多品牌很高兴骑手可以在没有附带的情况下测试自己的东西)。尽管如此,您仍然发现有用的东西有用,设计精良,或者可能是任何情况,因此您确实写或发布了有关它的信息 - 但是立即被愤怒的键盘战士的暴民关闭,因为他们认为它是总是paid advertisement and总是假评论;新利体育ios因此,下次您查看一些小巧的物品或您真正喜欢的一件装备时,您会尝试自觉地挑选并找到一些负面因素,以保持更真实的状态……但是,那是多么真实?


现在,假设您不是作家,博客作者或社交媒体影响者,您只是在您最喜欢的自行车,轮胎,工具或您喜欢的装备上制作论坛帖子的骑手。您自己购买了商品,从未与任何品牌交谈过,如果您发布负面评论,您就不会在乎谁冒犯了谁,并且您对论坛囚犯或读者的期望都没有任何期望。这实际上只是您令人敬畏的,真实的自我,对您喜欢的事物发表了无偏见的看法。完整,完全诚实和真实真实性的完美理由,对吗?几乎不。People are fiercely protective of their own decisions, even when those decisions are proven questionable – for example, there’s research showing how people are extremely reluctant to sell shares they bought based on their own opinion, even when the economists predict the stock prices will go down significantly and they’ll likely lose a lot. We like to think we’re rational beings, but we’re not – there’s always emotion involved, and I’ve seen riders fiercely defend their bike, tire, gear, or luggage choices not because the item in question is objectively well-made or well-designed, but because they personally chose it and love it, and that’s that.




那就是你决定。对我来说,有助于弄清楚是否信任某人的评论,意见或文章的是什么是被证明是记录和历史记录。几年前,当我越来越多地骑行时,我一直在寻找耐力风格的防护装备。我终于决定了一个品牌,因为我遵循的几个影响者多年来一直使用某些品牌,在我看来,在不断磨损和虐待之后的质量是一致的。我专门寻找已经在特定类型的骑行中使用这种特定装备已有两年多的人,研究了他们几个月或季节的评论和观点,并得出结论,这与装备如何经受住了新利体育ios随着时间的推移挑战。I do the same with any other items from laptops and cameras to motorcycle luggage options or suspension setups – if the journalist, blogger, YouTuber, or social media star has used and abused the thing over a longer period of time and hasn’t switched to another brand, that’s typically a good indicator. Equally, I’ll search for specific items used in a specific way: I’m happy to trust the opinion of Kinga “On Her Bike” Tanajewska when she’s talking about camping gear or her custom rear shock because she’s been wild camping and riding her adventure bike around the world for years. I would also trust her take on the best video editing programs as she runs a successful YouTube channel. For an opinion on the best rally bike mods, on the other hand, I’d look at Lyndon Poskitt instead.



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