Winter is the time of the year when many riders go into hibernation. Motorbikes get locked in garages and riding gear gets stored in closets, for at least a few months.



There have been several inventions to help them do this without falling victim to hypothermia.

在由寒冷气候条件下骑行时手可能受到最大影响。普通手套显然不足以让你的手指温暖的时间在冷风长时间。防止手脚冰凉的第一个也是最有效的方法是heated grips,技术的奇迹,可以让双手在冬季,全年寒冷条件下冻结。

This system could be bought and fitted on pretty much any motorcycle, with a relatively small investment, and almost no modification to your bike structure.

When heated grips are not enough, I definitely recommendhand covers;they don’t look so cool at first sight, but once you try them you won’t want to ride without them.

Hand covers (almost) completely eliminate the windchill factor, which is the main cause of hypothermia while riding.

If heated grips and covers are not enough for you, I highly recommendheated gloves;这些都是那些已经从冰冷的双手遭受或有血液循环不好掌握在自己手中的人特别巨大的支持。电热手套通常是相当实惠,并且可以在任何汽车摩托车店或网上很容易找到。最现代的用电池工作,并具有指示充电状态和热强度的LED。

脚are another big victim of winter rides.

因为你的腿通常比你的手就更少了移动,双脚变得相当寒冷很快。脚有只靴子来保护他们免受风,寒,雨,因此需要为你的身体的大部分暴露的部分奖金,而骑。虽然分层似乎是一个不错的主意,我觉得它永远不会真正地帮助我解决手脚冰凉的问题。戴2或3双袜子实际上可能会限制血液流动,并保持你的脚温暖更是难上加难。要走的路似乎是代替加热鞋底,electrically heated (like gloves) to provide your feet with some warmth while riding.

This system doesn’t work against windchill, which will hit your boot constantly while you’re moving no matter what, but they will provide a source of heat at the base, similar to the way heated grips do with your hands.





One little cheap trick that I use quite frequently during very cold days is to wear my hoodie on my head even with my helmet on. Also wearing a very thin beanie seems to work quite well in this sense. Beanies tend to move quite a lot though.
Since fogging (caused by warm breath) and ventilation are a problem in winter, I recommend keeping the chin vent open and just wear a thick neck warmer. A scarf or a windproof neoprene thing will work. Here, layering is the way to go. Also fitting an anti-fog visor is a good idea.



The quadriceps, the biggest muscles in our body, provide enough blood flow to leave our legs, most of the time, in decent condition, even under long cold rides. Also, the angle in which those muscles hit cold air, and the presence of motorcycle fairings, help these to stay a bit warmer, compared to other body parts.

Some motorcycles also tend to heat up right on the legs because of mufflers or engine position, which helps a little bit in winter, but obviously is not so great in summer.

Knees, contrarily, get frozen and stiff pretty easily, since they get exposed to windchill constantly and directly, like our feet. Good practice (for safety reasons, too) is to wear hard and thick knee pads under or over your riding pants; these prevent cold air from hitting our joints and leave us with a pleasant sensation of mobility afterwards. Even if you ride with jeans on, your knees will be able to sustain a lot more cold air with knee pads on, compared to riding without.



This part is usually the most crucial, but may be less likely to get cold, somehow, for all the layering. Vital organs are concentrated here so usually just a good riding jacket will do the job for most of us.


另一个伟大的解决方案是穿heated jacket要么vest, underneath your gear. The cheap way to go is instead to useheated pads(unfortunately single-use).



Not a very common feature to add to your bike, but certainly a plus to have if one parks his/her motorcycle outside, for long periods of time. Old school guys are probably twisting their noses, thinking about heating their seat electronically, when they know that can have a nice sheep skin to sit on.

Aside from all the props and layering it is usually common practice to ride sensibly slower in winter, unless you have winter tyres.

The slower you go, the less wind will hit your body and consequently, you’ll stay warmer longer.


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