的第一次我独自在国外旅行when I was thirteen. By then, I had devised a cunning plan: I made a deal with my parents that I wouldn’t want any birthday or Christmas presents, but I would get one trip abroad per year. Back then, it mostly involved my parents handing me over to a tour guide, getting into a tour bus, going someplace like Prague or Budapest, and being herded around the city by said tour guide holding one of those umbrella thingies and telling awestruck tourists all about the city’s history and explaining which statue belonged to which historical figure.





在巴黎我的独奏一条逃生,我莫名其妙地走丢到蒙马特高地附近的一个奇怪的小红灯区某处。感觉很出我的深入,我被一个好心但绝大多数高大奢华包跨女孩谁建议我也许应该后脑勺向着塞纳河和浏览,而不是围绕着巴黎街头妓女猎场闲逛当地的书店接洽。After a friendly chat in my broken mix of English and French, I did as I was told, but ever since, I carried with me a realization that traveling wasn’t quite about the statues and the historical figures – it was, I began to suspect, all about people.


我不知道这是可能的,在行驶到取得好 - 毕竟,原因旅行和旅游的不同从人到人的目标。不过,我听说有几个人抱怨旅行如何得到“无聊”了一段时间后,因为天宫一号开始像另一个,和一个acnient遗迹的开始看起来就像你以前见过的人。同样的命运降临可以其他凛然的事情在世界上,太像山脉,土路,或日落。巴塔哥尼亚平原可以开始寻找,就像蒙古大草原,和喜马拉雅山脉可能隐匿地开始出现了很多像安第斯山脉。




This was the trouble, I was told by a historian friend, with nomads. Nomads, according to him, had fewer words than settlers, because they were always on the move, so for them, there was simply mountain, bird, and water. Settlers, because they could explore their surroundings more intimately, had more words: there were mountains but also hills and mounds, birds were swallows or storks or woodpeckers, and water was sea, ocean, lake, or river. So it seems the poor nomads, overwhelmed by the ever-changing scenery, never bothered to name things more accurately, whereas settlers had plenty of leisure time for philosophy and vocabulary.




Finding Meaning

然而,它并没有与人发生。结识当地人,staying, riding, working, eating, and sharing experiences, worries, or just gossip with people colors the world again – and in shades you didn’t even know existed.


诚然,人类做了很多的东西蹩脚的;但在同一时间,我们是一个迷人的物种,而旅游是做了这么多丰富的,如果你满足当地人和分享一下他们。It doesn’t have to be much, nor does it have to be significant in itself – but what stories you’ll hear while peeling potatoes in an Andean grandma’s kitchen, and what bright sunrises you’ll see astride a sturdy mountain horse while helping a local farmer fix a fence of a faraway llama paddock.


与生活的每一个其他方面,在世界上最好的东西很简单。你并不需要昂贵的北极巡航找出生活是什么样的火地岛 - 所有你需要的是去钓鱼,在比格尔海峡本地蟹捕手。同样,你不需要预订所谓的“探险”之旅,探索亚马逊。新利18苹果刚去帮助当地的农民可可负载他的卡车,你可能只是自己的土地故事的光荣晚上下变暗的天空一片沉睡的热带雨林。


I couldn’t tell you what the inside of the Notre Dame or the outside of Champs Elysee look like now. I don’t remember, and I don’t much care to remember, either. I’m sure it was magnificent, but so was Sarajevo, Lima, and New York.

The kind face of the six-feet tall street walker who had a friendly chat with me when I was lost and showed me the way to the bookinists of the Seine, however? That will remain with me forever, and perhaps that’s enough.

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